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PREDICT Dataquest: Data Dive Session


  • Introduction to Mechanics (5 minutes): Organizers introduce the mechanics of the workshop.

  • Group Work (55 minutes): Participants develop a simple infographic using data from the PREDIC Tool.

  • Presentations (30 minutes): Groups present their outputs.


  • Step 1. Select one scenario that you are most interested in.

  • Step 2. Using the PREDIC Tool, answer the question/s provided in the scenario and develop a simple infographic and data story with written findings and recommendation/s in 40 minutes.

  • Step 3. After 55 minutes, all groups will briefly present their outputs including the data they used and the story, key message/s, and recommendations they want to convey. 

    • The infographic should include a short analysis (2-3 sentences) and recommendation. Participants may design infographics using paper and coloring materials or digital software (e.g., Canva, Photoshop).

  • Step 4. The organizers will select the best infographic and award prizes based on data accuracy (40%), analysis and recommendation (40%), and visuals (20%). Participants are encouraged to be creative and use local context to deliver their key message/s.

  • Step 5. Participants must submit their outputs through this link:


Scenario 1. Using economic data.

  1. In light of the growing demand for critical minerals, there are current discussions around updating the Local Revenue Code of the municipality of Bataraza which is host to the Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation. As one of the municipality’s largest taxpayers, the council wants to know how much the total local government unit (LGU) collections from the mining company and the total shares from national wealth (subnational transfers) are released to the municipality by the national government. Using available data in the Economic page of the PREDIC Tool, compute the estimated amounts below:

    1. Direct Local Government Unit (LGU) Collection (2012-19): 

    2. Actual LGU Shares from national wealth released to the municipality (2016-22): 


Scenario 2. Using social data.

  1. The municipal council of Bataraza is currently developing its 3-year local development plan and annual investment plan (AIP) as mandated by law. The council knows that the Mining Act of 1995 requires mining companies to allocate 1.5% of their operating costs to social development and management programs (SDMP). They also know that this allocation is increasing in light of the growing demand for copper due to the energy transition. It wants to know how much of the 5-year SDMP is allocated to education, health, and infrastructure and what projects they are spending on. This is to ensure that spending is not duplicated in these sectors. Using available data in the Social page of PREDIC Tool, compute the estimated amounts below:

    1. Education:

    2. Health:

    3. Infrastructure:


Scenario 3. Using Environment data.

  1. The provincial council of Palawan wants to know more about the environmental impacts of mining in the province in light of the energy transition. They want to know the trend of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption of Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation (RTNMC), one of the large-scale metalling mining operations in the province. Using available data on the Environment page of PREDIC Tool, describe the trend (e.g., increasing, decreasing, flat) of water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of RTNMC. 

    1. Water consumption:

    2. Greenhouse gas emissions:

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